Win prizes shared across every chain

The first cross-chain lottery with new rolling-over prizes inspired by PancakeSwap and secured with Chainlink


Drawn 6/20/2024, 12:00:00 AM
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How To Play

Learn how to play and win Tetrad Lottery.


Tickets cost 0.0005 ETH each and can be purchased from Arbitrum One or Optimism. You can select 6 numbers from 0-9 for each ticket. 100% of your payment will be entered into the lottery prize pool.


Every 24 hours at 8:00 PM EST a new round starts. A provably fair random number is drawn by any user in Arbitrum using Chainlink VRF, and rewards in WETH can be claimed.


Users can buy tickets on Optimism, in which funds are automatically bridged to Arbitrum using Chainlink CCIP. Tickets can be claimed on Arbitrum if bought on Optimism, or claimed on Optimism if bought on Arbitrum.


A set percentage of the prize pot is put into each reward bracket. As the lottery grows, percentages will be changed to allow users to earn the greater amount of ETH.


Reward brackets can be won be matching a certain number of lottery numbers from left-to-right. If someone has the ticket 123456 and the final number is 124456, they would win a share of the prizes from the 2nd bracket, as they matched 1 and 2.